Upcoming Events


John Day Geologic Rafting Trip

Registration is open NOW for a 4-day/3-night rafting trip on the John Day River through Ouzel Outfitters designed for geology enthusiasts from GSOC and the AWG Pacific NW Chapter with Dr. Emily Cahoon as the geologic leader. The dates are set for June 2-5, 2025 and the cost is $1259; this price includes gear, meals, and paying for Emily’s able leadership. This trip runs from Service Creek to Clarno and will fill quickly, so go to Ouzel Outfitters’ website to register ASAP – click on “Trip Types” and "Geology Focused Trips" and choose the 4-day John Day River trip with Dr. Emily Cahoon to find the links to see the trip details and to register. AWG-PNW is exploring organizing an extra 2-3 day trip before or after the raft trip to explore the fossil beds in the Clarno area. This add-on trip would be open to members of both AWG-PNW and GSOC whether or not they go on the raft trip.

PS - Use the exact instructions above to get to the correct trip. It is not one of Ouzel’s standard John Day trips.

PPS - Ouzel is actually offering 6 different geology-focused trips this year and you may want to sign up for any of those, so check it out!

PPPS - But don’t confuse the Emily Cahoon John Day River trip with the Emily Cahoon Deschutes River trip…

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