Day 2 of the 2021 Coaledo Formation Field Trip

The next morning we met John Armentrout and David Blackwell, another University of Oregon geologist who has been working on the Coaledo project. They had a great introductory presentation in the parking lot there at Sunset Bay State Park, reviewing the tectonic environment, the directions of stress on the sedimentary material, etc. The Coaledo Formation, deposited between 45 and 39 million years ago, was folded in at least two wave-forms from compression stresses generated by the Cascadia subduction zone in the Eocene and Oligocene. There is an anticline (hump) between the offshore Simpson Reef formation and the Cape Arago shoreline. Thus the Coaledo layers at the shoreline dip eastward at a steep angle. The sedimentary layers younger than 25 million years do not have nearly the same steep angle, and this brackets the time of the deformation.

After the presentation, we literally got our feet wet heading out into Sunset Bay to the exposed terrace on the north side of the bay. Armentrout pointed out how the cyclical processes involved in the deposition create patterns, called parasequences, that begin as muddy layers in a flooded area that gradually give way to sandy shoreline strata as the shoreline progrades seaward. The group carefully made their way out over the muddy and slimy rock outcrops to examine the sandier early Middle Coaledo stratigraphy towards the entrance to the bay. Shoreward the parasequences contained much more mud, showing a deepening trend to the basin in the later parts of the Middle Coaledo.

I’ve mentioned the Middle Coaledo being found at Sunset Bay, and as one goes from the Fivemile Point area north of Bandon, the sediments along the Oregon coast get progressively younger as one travels northward. Therefore, as the group headed southward from Sunset Bay to Cape Arago, the shoreline goes deeper into time to the Lower Coaledo Formation and then to the Beds of Sacchi Beach. So, on stop 2 at Simpson Reef one sees the Lower Coaledo atop the Beds of Sacchi Beach, and at stop 3 Cape Arago all the stratigraphy is the Beds of Sacchi Beach.

Armentrout chose for the group to visit the North Cove at Cape Arago rather than the easier-to-reach South Cove because he and his research team had made significant finds there. One of these was a massive channel form in the cliff face. Although the channel had been carved by abrasive sand, it eventually fills with “mud, glorious mud” and is the “smoking gun” pointing in the direction of flow to where oil prospectors might find where all that mud is resting. If the deposited organic-rich mud gets a chance to be cooked it may produce oil or natural gas. Another feature was a cliff face whose lower part consisted of large blocks of layers tilted in a variety of angles, probably the result of a landslide. Since this material was mud and sand layers sitting on a sloped surface, it was often subject to instability. Armentrout pointed out a swirly layer between two tabular sections, indicating an unstable layer that had produced a slide.

Map of the Cape Arago area showing the planned stops of Days 2 and 3. We deviated from the original plan, so I have just labeled the main features to orient the reader.

Map of the Cape Arago area showing the planned stops of Days 2 and 3. We deviated from the original plan, so I have just labeled the main features to orient the reader.

The group lunched at Shore Acres State Park between Sunset Bay and Cape Arago. This stretch of shoreline is famous for the massive waves that form here during storms. You’ve all probably seen Oregon calendars featuring this spot. But no giant waves were crashing here during the field trip, thank goodness! After dining on bagged lunches in this scenic area, the group walked north along the cliff edge to the edge of Bather’s Cove to the north of the gazebo in the park. Armentrout pointed out that the sandy layers in the Lower Coaledo found here have hummocky cross bedding patterns that indicate wave-worked material.

After this, the group walked back and headed to the beach at Simpson’s Cove south of the gazebo area. More hummocky layers were noted and Armentrout pointed out how sedimentologists determine the direction of transport from their shapes. Armentrout noted that the presence of hummocks indicates that the water depth at deposition has to be shallow enough for waves to affect it. There are many other indicators that the deposition water depth was shallower in this part of the Coaledo – shark and ray fossils, clams, etc. The waves will typically affect a certain distance below the water surface, but the research team must also consider the effect that climate has on wave height and depth. The warm Eocene climate probably produced some massive waves, so that hummocky bedding could occur a bit deeper than would occur today.

But there is a problem in that the foraminifera found (mostly in the mud adjacent to these hummocky deposits) are a deeper water variety, according to Carole Hickman of UC Berkeley and Kristin McDougall of USGS. There has to be some mechanism for these creatures to get closer to the surface in order for the environment to make sense to the research team. They are currently checking models of the Eocene to see if upwelling could account for the presence of the creatures.

At some point in the day, someone asked Armentrout why the coves existed, and the answer is that they are the sites of strike-slip faults that run generally east to west through the formation. Armentrout’s colleague Laird Thompson, an ex-Mobil Oil structural geologist who also has been involved in the research team, has done an inventory of the faults and the stress regimes which created them. Interestingly, he found that the direction of maximum compressive stress has shifted from the east-west subduction zone-oriented stress of the Eocene to the modern north-south San Andreas Fault movement than is shoving western Oregon and Washington into Canada.

To finish off the day, complete all the stops of the tour, and give Armentrout an opportunity to leave early on the following day, the group did three more stops. At Yoakam Point, the group stayed on the cliff top and looked down Lighthouse Beach to the Cape Arago lighthouse. Directly around Gregory Point from the north arm of Sunset Bay, this beach also features Middle Coaledo parasequences. The three earliest sandy parasequence caps stand out in relief from the more easily eroded mudstone layers. Also, Armentrout mentioned that the Middle Eocene stratigraphic record contains tuffs from the earliest Cascade eruptions and that these were dated by research team member Michael Darin from University of Nevada-Reno. He told us to be on the lookout in the next year or two for some exciting research papers by Darin featuring the dating work he has done on this project.

Next we visited Bastendorff Beach for a brief discussion about the Bastendorff Shale stratigraphy from the Oligocene. This area of the Coos peninsula had seen the most change over the 20th century due to the construction of the jetty enclosing the Coos Bay shipping channel starting in 1926. What used to be shoreline cliffs is now a vegetated bluff at least a quarter mile inland from the beach. There is a natural cave in this bluff which we did not visit.

Our last stop was at the Coos Head and south jetty area at the north end of Bastendorff Beach. In the headland enclosing this area is a tunnel through which the Army Corps of Engineers brought huge boulders by rail for the construction of the jetty. All that remains visible of this work is the tunnel and a slab of concrete near the base of the headland. And of course, the jetty itself. The original rock used in the construction of the jetty is black basalt of the Siletz River Volcanics (Siletzia) and the newer rock brought in is blueschist from the Klamath Mountains, a metamorphic product of the Cascadia subduction zone. On the tunnel headland, one can see a layer of eight-million-year-old tuff running through about halfway up the cliff. This headland is part of the much younger Empire formation.

Return to the beginning of the article.

Go on to Day 3.

Pictures from Day 2:

Day 3 of the 2021 Coaledo Formation Field Trip

Group shot from morning of Day 3.

Group shot from morning of Day 3.

We convened the next morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed, at Sunset Bay to finish the Armentrout and Blackwell tour. We had rearranged the trip schedule somewhat the day before, so two stops situated between Simpson Reef and Simpson Cove had not been visited. These sites, Ocean View Lookout and Collapse Cave Point, featured Lower Coaledo stratigraphy. We arrived in the morning mist from a short walk to the edge of the cliff.

The stratigraphy here is largely sandstone which is resistant to erosion despite the waves that pound the shoreline. We descended to the sandstone shelf just below the 80,000 year old Whiskey Run terrace that caps the Coaledo stratigraphy. Dave Blackwell pointed out a disconformity contact from channel scour. Just above the contact he showed us the remnants of a log that had been nearly consumed by ship worms (Teredo worms). Nearby this was a jutting sandstone layer which contained ripple marks showing the direction of the paleocurrent which has been bored in several places by the paleomagnetics team, which includes David and his son Noel. Scott Bogue from Occidental College has also done some of this work. In this area the organics-rich mud layers have been scoured out to deeper water where they might be forming petroleum. John and Dave point out some mud rip up clasts embedded in the sand which confirm this.

The group then made its way a bit further north along the cliff top to the Collapse Cave Point. Armentrout told the group that all the parasequences of the Coaledo formation had been carefully correlated and mapped on the Cape Arago shoreline, even across the cove faults. This stop featured parasequences #5 and #6 in the Lower Coaledo. Armentrout and Blackwell pointed out sandstone dikes through thin mudstone layers between the layers of sandstone. Sandstone is both porous and permeable, but the mudstone layers are not. Therefore, when the layers settle after deposition, the sand layers compact to more stable configurations and the excess water between the grains become pressurized. The dikes push through the mud to relieve that pressure. From an oil geologist standpoint, if one is looking to find oil in that sandstone, the presence of the dikes would be a bad sign that the oil has probably escaped.

After visiting these sites, the group headed around Coos Head, through Charleston, and up the east bank of the Coos Bay shipping channel to the area near Fossil Point. We parked near the little pumphouse just to the south of the Dairy Queen on the Cape Arago Highway. John and many of the locals call this “Stinky Cove” because of the rotting organic smells issuing from it, but in the literature, he refers to it as Beacon Lane Cove. Here we were located on the east side of the South Slough syncline, a trough in the folding pattern of the stratigraphy. It was about low tide or shortly after low tide, so the group hurried across the seaweed-strewn point and south over the Empire Formation terrace to get a half mile or so down the shore to the main show. Along the way Armentrout pointed out pectin shells, trace fossils, and other interesting features of this fossiliferous layer.

As the group approached a barrier point, John pointed out two fossils sticking out of the Empire terrace that appear to be a whale skull and rib. There have been several whale fossils recovered from the Empire formation here. Then the group assembled at the barrier, where we saw an unconformity between the bulk of the Empire Formation overlain by a spectacularly fossiliferous Coos Conglomerate which forms the “point” of Fossil Point. A short climb over the high point put us onto Fossil Point proper, an incredible mass of 8 million-year-old cemented shells. Armentrout pointed out a number of fossils here, including the slipper shell Crepidula, which can be found in stacked groups in this deposit, which must have formed in a niche of calm shallow water. And with that Armentrout’s presentation was completed and he headed off down the shoreline. The rest of the group convened in the picnic grounds at Sunset Bay and had a very relaxing picnic.

Return to the beginning of the article.

Go on to Day 4.

Pictures from Day 3:

Day 4 of the 2021 Coaledo Formation Field Trip

Frank Hladky, a former DOGAMI geologist and geologic educator of the south central Oregon coast, met us on Sunday morning to do the last leg of the trip. We met near the airstrip in the Sixes/Cape Blanco area to hike out to Blacklock Point. Here we were completely out of the Tyee/Coaledo basin and into the Klamath Mountains, right atop the accretionary wedge built up by the subduction zone that has been in action since the Cretaceous. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, the Klamaths were the source of a lot of the sediment deposited in the Tyee and Coaledo formations.

We were not disappointed by the rocks of Blacklock Point. On the seashore bluff and strewn about the beach were products of the subduction zone, a mélange of basalt, radiolarian chert, mudstone, blueschist, and serpentinite. Most of the rocks were black or green in appearance. These Jurassic age rocks had been sent down into the subduction zone, where they were squeezed, folded and cooked. One of the massive boulders of chert exhibited tight folding and faulting patterns.

Hladky told us that some of the minerals associated with the rocks found in subduction zones are the aluminum silicates kyanite, sillimanite, and andalusite, which all have the same chemical formula, Al2SiO5. Serpentinite is metamorphosed from peridotite or gabbro in the presence of sea water with relatively low temperature and pressure. Blueschist, a high pressure, low temperature product of basalt metamorphism, gets its colors from the two minerals, glaucophane and lawsonite.

Moving north to the terrace above Blacklock Point, the group looked north across a cove to the sandstone mined from the Cretaceous North Point by a Scottish immigrant named Blacklock in the early Twentieth Century. There are several buildings in San Francisco with facades mined from this brown sandstone. At the base of the cove are some fossiliferous layers. Hladky had brought many of his high school classes here to make geologic sections of the north hillside.

After returning from Blacklock Point, the group went to Cape Blanco and descended from the main parking lot to the beach north of the Cape Blanco headland. Boulders of blueschist could be found in the bed of the wash coming down the slope. In the water were outcrops of a black sandstone.

We headed back up the slope to the parking lot at Cape Blanco and said our farewells. It was a fabulous field trip and I don’t think any of the participants were disappointed. We’ll be looking forward to the interesting articles to come out from this research, and also looking forward to another great GSOC field trip!

Return to the beginning of the article.

Pictures from Day 4: