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Mt. Hood/Eliot Glacier Field Trip

Past President Larry Purchase and current Vice President Bo Nonn will lead a two-day field trip to the north side of Mt. Hood. From our camp at Cloud Cap Saddle Campground we will climb onto the nearby Cooper Spur moraine to view the terminus of Eliot glacier and discuss the morphology of the Hood’s largest glacier and its periglacial features. Farther downslope we will examine the site of a major debris flow which passed down Eliot Creek in 2006. Nearby is the upper end of the 9km long Parkdale lava flow, a basaltic lava flow less than 8,000 years old. If possible we will examine the more accessible portions of the lava flow including the vent area.

The second portion of the field trip will be along Highway 35 and associated side roads to examine outcrops and viewpoints of geological interest. Other possible activities may include a visit to the historic 19th century cloud Cap Inn with by one of the Crag Rats, a local climbing and mountain rescue club which has maintained the Cloud Cap Inn for many years. A comprehensive illustrated trip guide will be provided with full details of the views and stops and their associated geology. Addition material will be included describing the geology we’ll encounter on our way to and from the Mountain.

Details and order of events for the two days are liable to change due to road conditions, availability of speakers, etc. Information about campground details, access fees, and road conditions has been conflicting. Following a reconnaissance trip, further details and any changes will be circulated to participants the week before the field trip date.


As of this date (June 25) all participants have signed on for both days of the field trip. Contact Larry Purchase if there is any changes. or 360-254-5635.

Trip participation Policies: If you plan on participating in this trip, send in your registration form and appropriate fee by Monday, July 6, 2013. Each participant must be a GSOC member or guest and should have a separate registration form. A non-member may register only if he/she includes a membership application form and payment with the registration form and fee. If the weather is bad or there are fires in the area, the trip will be canceled and your money refunded.

Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult parent or legal guardian who is also a member of GSOC. No minors under 16 years of age will be allowed to register for Day 1. Each participant must also fill out and sign a liability waiver at the meeting place in order to participate. Minor participants must also have the signature of a parent or legal guardian on the liability waiver. NO PETS will be permitted on this trip.

Download Registration Form