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Pacific Northwest Mega-Earthquakes

Energy Infrastructure Preparedness for a Cascadia Mega-Earthquake

Northwest Energy Association and The Society of Petroleum Engineers
(not a GSOC sponsored event)

2015 Symposium
October 2-3, 2015
Hood River, Oregon

Are you informed (ready) for the Really Big One?

On October 2-3, 2015 a diverse spectrum of scientists and emergency agency leaders will address the cause, history and mitigation of problems resulting from "The Really Big One", the predicted Cascadia Mega-Earthquake.  Primary focus of the Symposium will be on the energy infrastructure, a critical component for an effective response to a major earthquake.  The attached announcement provides the program and registration process.  Please join Northwest Energy Association and The Society of Petroleum Engineers for Pacific Northwest Mega-Earthquakes symposium.

Registration Now Open

Limited to 100 – register early!

The probability of a mega-earthquake is 30% in the next 50 years. This one-day Symposium and second-day field trip provide a unique opportunity to learn about the geology behind the mega-earthquakes, their history and regional impact, and preparation for mitigating that impact in western Oregon and Washington.  Symposium speakers are the leading researchers and representatives of primary response organizations.  Current knowledge and the present status of mitigation planning will be the focus of this symposium. 

Find more program and registration information at

Energy Infrastructure Preparedness for a Cascadia Mega-Earthquake

Northwest Energy Association 2015 Fall Symposium – October 2-3, 2015

Hood River Inn, Hood River, Oregon

Targeted Audience:  Regional utilities, municipal and state agencies, interested and concerned scientists and citizens.

Purpose:  Learn about the history of mega-earthquakes and their geologic cause, and the preparations underway or needed related specifically to energy infrastructure, transport corridors, storage facilities, and distribution systems for fuels and power.

Registration:  Begins August 3, 2015 Motel block available now (541-386-2200) 

     Registration Site:

Limited Capacity:  100 participants, register early.


  8:00 AM         Friday Morning Registration – please arrive early

  8:55 AM         Greetings from Northwest Energy Association

  9:00 AM         Ray Wells, US Geological Survey: Tectonic framework of the Cascadia           subduction margin and its earthquake hazards

  9:40 AM         Chris Goldfinger, Oregon State University, and co-authors: Northern    Cascadia integrated paleoseismic records from onshore and offshore

10:40 AM         Coffee Break

11:00 AM         Ray Weldon, University of Oregon: Latitudinal variations in shaking intensity,             tsunami height, and potential warning time for the NEXT Cascadia             megathrust earthquake

11:30 AM         Bill Steele, University of Washington, NW Seismic Network: How will ground             shaking of deep sedimentary basins effect Puget Lowland energy             infrastructure?

12:00 Noon    Luncheon

12:45 PM         Yumei Wang, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries: Energy            infrastructure and building susceptibility to a Magnitude 9 Cascadia             Earthquake -- How prepared is the Pacific Northwest

  1:30 PM         Break

  2:00 PM         Alan Hull, Golder Associates, Application of Probabilistic Fault Displacement           Analysis to Pipeline Mitigation Analysis and Design

  2:40 PM         Tammy Moore, Williams Pipeline:  Seismicity and Pipelines in the Northwest: Concerns and Pipeline Measures

  3:20 PM         Leon Kempner, Jr., Bonneville Power Administration: Electrical Transmission Power Grid Seismic Vulnerability and Mitigation Options 

  4:00 PM         Laurie Holien, Oregon Office of Emergency Management: Mega-Earthquake Response Strategies – FEMA’s planning scenarios

  5:30 PM         Reception                       (Scott Burn’s wine fest)

  6:30 PM         Dinner

  7:15 PM         Scott Burns, Portland State University: Columbia River Gorge Natural Hazard History and Energy Infrastructure Vulnerability

Saturday 9-5   Field Trip:  Geologic Hazards Past and Present within the Columbia River Gorge Transportation Corridor, lead by Scott Burns