1978 President Robert Waiste

Robert Waiste, Jr., was born in Portland, Oregon, March I5, 1921, the son of the Late Robert A. and Lorna Fisher Waiste.


Attended Kennedy Elementary School, Jefferson High School, Northwest Business College in Portland,

Organization affiliations at present:

  • Geological Society of the Oregon Country

  • National Association of Retired federal Employees

  • National federation of federal Employees

  • Native Plant Society of Oregon

  • Society of American Military Engineers

Occupation:  With Corps of Engineers, Portland District, October 194l  to retirement February 26, 1977 from position as Chief, Office of Administrative Services.

Military Service:  U. S, Army, 22 August 1942 to 6 February 1946.

Hobbies:  Hunting and fishing.

Joined GSOC in 1960’s.  Have taken geology courses sponsored by the Society.

Reside with wife, Dorothy, at 133 SE 27th Avenue, Portland, Ore., 97214.