1981 President Joseph D. (Joe) Beemer

Joseph D. (Joe) Beemer was born July 8, 1928 at Lagrange, Wyoming. Parents, Alpheus H. and. Myrtle Loft is Beemer, were born in Nebraska.  The father was a Midwest farmer. The family moved to Oregon in 1929where he worked as a carpenter, a welder, and a logger. Joseph Beemer has lived in Oregon and Washington since then except for about one year in Nebraska.

1981 - Joseph D. (Joe) Beemer

He attended high schools in Oregon, Washington., and Nebraska; the University of Oregon; took additional courses at Portland State University and Portland Community College.  He received his CPA in 1959.

Organization affiliations include:

•Geological Society of the Oregon Country
•Portland Chamber of Commerce — Past Director
•Portland Toastmasters #31 — Past President
•Oregon Society CPA's
•American Institute of CPA's
•National Association of CPA Firms — National Secretary
•Portland Estate Planning Council

Married Barbara C. (Connie) Jenks in 1946.

Occupation:  Accountant, CPA 1946 - present.

Hobbies:  Reading, Hiking, GSOC, Travel

Became interested in geology about 1970 because of financial interest in a Canadian copper mine.

Taken three terms of Geology at Portland Community College. Became a member about 1972.