1954 President Albert J. Keen

Albert J. Keen was born in Summertown, Tennessee, on December 17, 1901, and moved to Monroe, Washington, in 1909.  In 1911 he moved to St. Maries, Idaho, where he started to high school. He was graduated from high school in Bremerton, Washington. He attended the University of Idaho in Moscow, and came to Portland in 1922. Here he took extension courses from the University of Oregon in geology, rocks and minerals.


In 1922 Mr. Keen entered the employ of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company at the age of twenty and has served this company continuously ever since.  He now holds the position of field service representative.

While attending the University of Idaho he met Miss Stella Van Riper, to whom he was married in Portland in 1925.  They have one daughter, Carolyn, now Mrs. David Schmidt, and three grandsons - Daniel David and twins Ronald Allen and Randall James.

In addition to the Geological Society of the Oregon Country, Mr. Keen is a member of the Oregon Academy of Science, the Oregon Agate and Mineral Society, of which he was president in 1955, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and a charter member of the Oregon Archaeological Society.

Mr. Keen is a staunch Republican.

On. May 6, 1966, Albert J. Keen and Dr. Ruth Edwina Hopson, Professor of General Science at Portland Extension Division, were married. Dr. Ruth teaches all evening classes. For the past three years Albert Keen is engaged as her full time assistant in the geology and natural history classes. Together they are busily engaged in assembling material on the geology of all National Parks and Monuments in the United states for the class Dr. Ruth teaches and the book that will be forthcoming.

1955 President William F. Clark

William F. Clark was born in Battle Creek, Michigan, July 7, 1890. He was the first son of William and Mary Ferguson Clark.  The family moved to Portland in 1899.  Mr. Clark attended public schools in Portland. After completing high school, following Scotch custom, he was apprenticed to the pattern shop of the Willamette Iron and Steel Company.  Since 1929 he has been associated with the Modern Pattern Works.


May 12, 1917 he married Catharine Theresa Parkinson of Portland, Oregon.  They have a son and a daughter.

In 1948, Mr. Hollis Dole, instructor of the class in General Geology of the University of Oregon Extension, which Mr. Clark was attending, urged his students to avail themselves of the opportunities for study provided by the Geological Society of the Oregon Country. Mr. Clark joined the Society and has been an enthusiastic member ever since.

Mr. Clark is also a member of the Foundrymen's Society of America, Oregon Agate and Mineral Society, Oregon Color Slide Club and Oregon Marine Biological Society.

1956 President Francis Garritt Gilchrist

Francis Garritt Gilchrist was born in the manse of the Gettysburg Presbyterian Church, where his father was minister, in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. His family moved to the west when he was two years old.


He was educated in the grammar schools of San Anselmo and San Jose, California, and in high school at San Jose and Lowell High School in San Francisco. He went to Occidental College in Los Angeles from 1914-1916. In 1917 he was Field Assistant to the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bellingham area. From 1917-1919 he served in the U. S. Army, A.E.F., 26th Engineers. After World War I he went back to college at the University of California, where he received his B. A. degree in 1921. He continued there as a graduate student and assistant in the Department of Zoology from 1921-1924 and received his PH.D in 1927. On graduation he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi.

From 1924-1936 Dr. Gilchrist taught at Pomona College, Claremont California in the Department of Zoology. In 1936 he had a Research Fellowship at Yale University. From 1937-1946 he taught at Riverside Junior College, Riverside,  California. In 1946 he began teaching at Lewis and Clark College in Portland in the Department of Biology.

Dr. Gilchrist was married to Pearl May Brown on June 6, 1922. She was born at Prosser, Washington. There were two sons, Kenneth Wells, (1925-1943), and Alden Hugh, (1930-), who is a musician and composer.

Dr. Gilchrist has contributed several articles in scientific journals dealing with experiments on regeneration of coelenterates and development of amphibia. He was trustee of the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry from 1955-1959, and Secretary from 1956-1959. He has served as committee Member of the Arboretum since 1957.  From 1949-1960 he has been an Elder of the First Presbyterian Church.

He has been a member of the Geological Society of the Oregon Country for about ten years. Beside the office of President he has served on the Executive Committee from 1955-1960, and as Editor of Newsletter from 1954-1955.

1957 President Leroy Atwood Palmer

Leroy Atwood Palmer was born at Lockport, Illinois, June 10, 1879. He held various positions in the mineral industry from 1903 to 1909, and was a mining engineer for the U.S. Land Office, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Reclamation Service in western states and Alaska from 1909 to 1931. He then had an office in San Francisco as a consulting engineer. During and after World War II he was safety engineer at the Naval Supply Depot at Oakland and at the Marine Supply Depot at Barstow, California. He retired in 1947 and came to Portland to live.


Mr. Palmer has one son and two daughters, eleven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Other organizations to which Mr. Palmer belongs are: Masonic Lodge, the City Club, the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, the Profess­ional Engineers of Oregon and the Sons of the American Revolution.

1958 President Dr. James Stauffer

James Stauffer was born in Butler, Pennsylvania on April 27, 1902. He was graduated from high school and went four years to the University of Michigan, majoring in English and languages, and receiving a B. A. degree.


For a year he taught biology at the high school that he had attended at Butler, Pennsylvania, and from there he went to Berea college in Berea, Kentucky where he taught biology. He went back to the University of Michigan for one year of postgraduate work in sciences, and received his master's degree.

For eighteen years he taught biology at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. While he was there he went to summer school at Cornell University, working for his doctor's degree which he received from that college in 1937.

He was married to Paula Ford, December 26, 1928 in Dewitt, Michigan. They have two children, Norman and Bonnie, and three grandchildren, Peter, Eric and Thomas Stauffer.

Dr. Stauffer has lived in Portland eleven years, teaching biology at Lewis and Clark College. He has been a member of the Geological Society of the Oregon Country for eight years. He also belongs to the following organizations: The Oregon Academy of Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the University Professor's Association.

1959 President Paul William Howell

Paul William Howell was born on a homestead near Quincy, Washington, on November 2, 1909. His father, Lewis Grant Howell, and his mother, Gerta Peterson Howell, were both natives of Northport, Michigan.


Finding Oregon a more pleasant place to live than the coulees of Douglas County, Washington, the Howells bought a home at Troutdale. Paul was the middle child of a family of eleven. He often wandered alone through the bottom lands of the Columbia to explore the ponds for frogs and catfish. His adventures were the inspiration for some of the newspaper articles written by Ben Hur Lampman, Paul's not infrequent fishing companion.

While attending Jefferson High School in Portland, Paul was a member of the Glee Club. Intrigued by the stories his brother, Quincy, told of college life, Paul Joined him at the University of Oregon from 1930 to 1932 and majored in Geology. The depression, a broken leg, and love interrupted his education. Paul and Margaret Reynolds were married December 26, 1936.

Paul worked for the Oregon Highway Department. He hiked five and six days a week as a surveyor; on Sundays with his wife, he would explore the hills as a geologist. Moves became frequent and the geologic history of the country became more and more interesting. While living and working out of Klamath Falls, Paul became a member of the Geological Society of the Oregon Country in 1938.

In September 1940, Paul enrolled at the University of Washington. There he studied under J. Hoover Macken, one of his favorite instructors. While there he became an active member of the Amenite Club. A month before the graduation ceremonies where he was to receive his Bachelor of Science degree in June of 1942, he joined the Army. Within a week the 333rd Engineer's Regiment was in Louisiana. At Ft. Belvoir, Virginia, he was graduated from OCS in December 1943.

His son, Vincent Ernest, was born in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on May 6, 1944. Paul received the message of his birth minutes later at Camp Shelby and completely lost his dignity as an officer.

Celia Louise arrived November 8, 1945 while Paul was in Poland. It was twenty days before Paul received that message. He had rejoined the 333rd Engineer regiment in Europe as a First Lieutenant. Arriving home in Eugene, April 1st, 1946, he started the next week on his first job as a geologist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

"Little Paul," Paulette Carol, was born in Portland, June 30, 1948. She learned to walk a year later in Lowell where her father was project geologist for the Lookout Point and Dexter Dams.

In the summer of 1952, the Howell family moved to Arizona. Aided by a student fellowship, Paul worked for two summers at the University of Arizona in Tucson of the Navajo-Hopi Indian Reservation doing a Mineral Survey and collecting data for his dissertation: "The Cenozoic Geology of the Chetoh Country, Arizona and New Mexico."

Paul did exploration work for the Bear Creek Mining Company the summer of 1954. in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. In 1955 and 1956, he was the Arizona State Mineralogist. Between jobs he continued his graduate study at the University of Arizona and was elected to Sigma Xi in 1954.

The Howells returned to Portland in 1956. Paul worked as the Supervising Geologist for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers In 1959, he flew back to Tucson to attend a Geological Society of America meeting and to receive his doctorate in geology from the University of Arizona.

Dr. Howell is affiliated with the Oregon Engineering Geologists, and the Geological Society of America. He has served the Geological Society of the Oregon Country as consulting geologist for the President's Camp-out in 1969 and as trip leader for the society during 1968 and 1969.

On Nov. 8, 1969, he retired from the Army Corps of Engineers. As of March 1970, Br. Howell is an adjunct professor of geology at Portland State University.

1960 President Franklin Monroe Brown

Franklin Monroe Brown was born in Goshen, Oregon, on May 19, 1913. His father was Allen Monroe Brown who married Mable Susan Askew. He was a foreman with the Southern Pacific Co. After completing high school, Franklin attended the Oregon Institute of Technology and then the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute.


Franklin and Ardna were married June 26, 1946, and they have three children: Richard Alan, 1948; Robert Monroe, 1950; and Joanne Mauree, 1964.

Franklin indicates that he is a member of the Presbyterian Church, his political affiliation is with the Republican Party, and he is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. His occupation as an engineer has been with these companies:

  • 1940-1941 Electrical engineer, Klamath Iron Works, Klamath Falls, Ore

  • 1941-1949 President &, Chief engineer, BECO, Portland, Oregon

  • 1949-1953 President & Chief Engineer, Brown Electro-Measurement Corp.

  • 1954-1957 Research Director, OECO Corporation, Portland, Oregon

  • 195B-1960 President & Chief Engineer, Hinco, Inc., Portland, Oregon

  • 1960-1964 Senior engineer & Chief Engineer, Fluke Mfg. Co., Seattle

  • 1965-1970 Chief Engineer, President, ARCO Inc., Kirkland, Washington

  • 1970     President & Chief Engineer, General Metrology Corp, Seattle

Franklin Brown is the author of several Military Technical Manuals, and papers relating to the theory and operation of various electronic equipment and components. He has also issued several patents in the fields of mechanical and electronic devices.

Franklin became interested in the earth sciences as early as the 7th grade in school although he remembers an extensive agate collection that started when he was in the second grade in a school in the Rogue River Valley near upper "Table Rock." The contemplation of the origin of the "Tables" in the Rogue River Valley was most intriguing. Crater Lake was also fascinating to him. His other hobbies have been astronomy and photography.

In about 1936 several papers by Professor Warren D. Smith of the University of Oregon came to his attention and renewed his interest in geology. In the early 1940's the book, The Scenic Treasure House of Oregon turned him into a "geological explorer." He became a member of the Society in 1955 and soon learned "to appreciate the friendship and many sources of knowledge within the Society."

His theme during his presidency was "Be thankful for the help you get from the 'Old Timers' for because of them you leave a meeting richer than you came." He was field trip chairman for three years (rained out only once) and served as president from March to July of I960 when the Browns moved to Edmonds, Washington.

1960 President Robert Fisher Wilbur

Robert Fisher Wilbur was born in Omaha, Nebraska, April 11, 1895, and "arrived with the last snow fall of the season, so I've been told." His parents were Edward C. Wilbur and Elva Fisher, both of Omaha. His father's occupation was Railway freight-Rate Specialist.


Young Bob attended primary schools and later the secondary Central High School in Omaha. He entered Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis in January 1917 on returning from the Pancho Villa Campaign in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. He took a "recess" from April 1917 to August 1919 for machine-gun service in France (World War I). He was wounded in the Somme Offensive, hospitalized in London and Marseille. In 1919 be returned to OAC and in 1923 was graduated with a degree of BS in Agriculture, majoring in plant pathology.

Over the years, Bob was Scoutmaster in Corvallis and also in Nogales, Arizona; Commander of the American Legion in Milton; president of the Federal Employees Union in Nogales; Member of GSOC and the society's Treasurer, Vice-President, Business Manager of the News Letter; and President following the resignation of Franklin Monroe Brown. His term of office was from July 10, I960 to March 10 1961.

In August 1924, Bob married Perle (Polly) Johnson of Milton-Freewater, who died in 1947. Their two daughters, both married, are Elaine Allison of Lake Oswego and Gail Linder of San Diego. There are seven grandchildren.

Mr. Wilbur's occupations have included the following: Agent, U.S. Bureau of Plant Industry on white pine blister-rust control in western Oregon, 1921; Deputy State Horticultural Inspector for Benton and Linn Counties and later for Morrow and Umatilla Bounties, 1922-1929; Assistant County Agricultural Agent for Umatilla and Morrow Counties, 1923-1924; Plant virus research on certain crop diseases at the Hermiston Experiment Station in 1928 and 1929. From 1929 to 1961 he was Plant Pathologist with the U.S. Bureau of Agriculture in Plant Quarantine Service - first at Nogales, Arizona, then in Seattle, Washington, and finally in Portland. He retired in 1961, at which time he received a letter of appreciation from the Secretary of Agriculture.

His hobbies are geology and paleontology. He gave his large collection of fossils and rocks to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry as a working collection for students in 1968.

Mr. Wilbur reports that his interest in geology was a gradual development. He writes as follows:

"The subject became increasingly interesting to me as the result of observation and reading. While driving from Portland and Seattle to the various sea ports, during the years I was on Federal plant quarantine inspection work, my curiosity was aroused by a number of phenomena. Starting at the home sea port of Portland, there was the Mount Tabor Crater with its mouth choked with water-worn gravel. How come?

"West of McMinnville, on the way to Coos Bay, I saw that big rock on a hill top, reportedly dropped there by an iceberg. How come?

"At Cape Arago near the lighthouse the strata were all up-ended. How come?

"After pondering over these and many other puzzling features, I determined to learn more about geology, and the only logical way seemed that of joining an organization that fostered such educational endeavors. I joined the Geological Society of the Oregon Country in 1948 as a follow-up to an Oregonian announcement regarding the regular meeting and program at the Public Library."

1961 President John Hayne Hammond

John Hayne Hammond is a native Oregonian both by birth and interest. He was born on August 17, 1911, in Oregon City. His education was attained in the local schools. He received his B.S. degree from the University of Oregon in 1937, and the D.M.D. in 1942, from the North Pacific College of Dentistry, now the University of Oregon Dental School..


Dr. Hammond has practiced dentistry in Oregon since returning from the service of World War II as a commissioned Major. His office is in the McCald Building at Oregon City. He is a member of the Academy of General Dentistry.

In 1937 he married Esther H. Reiner. They have two children. John Hayne Jr., was born in 1943 and is married to Paula Biggs. John is an enthusiastic Camp Hancock alumnus. At present he is serving in the army as a Captain and is an attorney in the Judge Advocate General's office at Fort Rucker Alabama. Their daughter, Anne Catherine was born in 1945 and is married to Donald Gassaway. They have two children, Kari Anne, and Ronald Mason, and live in Oak Grove.

The organizations which attest his native interest claim him as a member and officer. He is past president of the Native Plant Society of Oregon, past Oregon Chairman of the Nature Conservancy, member of the Forest Park Committee of 50, Member of the Oregon City Color-slide Club, and President of the Portland Christian Institute. Dr. Hammond considers himself to be an amateur botanist. He is a photographer specialist of native Oregon plants, flowers, and birds of which he has over 4000 slides that he uses in his many lectures to nature and garden clubs.

When asked about the beginnings of his interest in geology, Dr. Hammond thoughtfully remembered his early curiosities. While in the service, he studied conchology at St. Petersburg, Florida. He roamed the estuaries of Tampa Bay and Boca Ciega while making a special study of the ancient corals. Many earth science projects were coordinated with these nature studies.

When his son, John, was boy scout age, Dr. Hammond organized the first Natural Science Post in the Columbia Council 770 of the Boy Scouts of America and was their leader with the assistance of Murray Miller for nine years. Through the association and. the interest of Leo Simon in nature and photography, James Stauffer in conservancy and geology, and Murray Miller in natural and earth sciences, Dr. Hammond soon found his friends' urgency attractive to join them on a geological field trip. He acquired an immediate taste for the Society's activities and continues to enjoy both meetings and friendships.

1962 President Leonard Hatsil Delano

Leonard Hatsil Delano was born on August 30, 1908, in Seattle, Washington. He is the son of Hatsil O. Delano from Humburd, Wisconsin, and Nancy S. Suit of Sardis, Kentucky. When a very small boy he and his parents moved to a farm in Clackamas County, Oregon, where his brother, Howard, still resides. His father was employed for 16 years as chief inspector for the railroad's Interstate Commerce Inspection Bureau.


Mr. Delano attended Benson Polytechnic High School and was a member of the class of 1930 at the University of Oregon where he belonged to Sigma Delta Chi, the honorary journalism fraternity. His major journalism professor was Dr. Eric W. Allen father of Dr. John Eliot Allen. He took courses in geology and geography from Dr. Warren D. Smith.

On July 18, 1937 Leonard married Emily L. McCornack of a pioneer Oregon family to which Ellen Condon McCornack was related. They have two sons. Douglas, born Feb. 22, 1940 and his wife, Jennie, have two daughters: Darcie and Julie. They live at Lake Grove. Leonard Jr., born, March 20, 1942, is presently working and attending school in Chicago.

Leonard and Emily own the Delano Photographics, aerial surveys and commercial photography, and the Western Mapping Company, a photogrammetric mapping firm which they have operated for more than 30 years.

The many local and national mapping societies vie for time in his busy schedule. In 1969, he was general chairman for the national convention of the American Society of Photogrammetry and the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. He is past president of the local American Society of Photogrammetry.

Aerial photography and mapping work further triggered an interest in geological land formations. Evening classes in the earth sciences taught by Dr. Ruth Hopson Keen were found to be most stimulating and informative. Before becoming president of the Geological Society of the Oregon Country, Leonard served as program chairman.

His affiliations have been continuous in the Masonic lodge and the Presbyterian church.

1963 President Albert Richard Kenney

Albert Richard Kenney, Sr., was born on December 7, 1913, at Reuben, Josephine County, Oregon, the eldest son of James Peter and Opal Harlin Kenney. Reuben then was a "whistle-stop" on the Southern Pacific Railroad and is no longer in existence. With the responsibility of a child, his father had just given up gold mining as an occupation for that of a railroad employee which offered a more reliable income.

Albert received his grammar school education at Metzger, Oregon, and was graduated from Tigard Union High School at Tigard, Oregon. The depression prevented him from using the science scholarship which he had received. As an alternative he pursued his interest in the natural sciences by attending night school whenever he could. The depression further directed his steps to the CCC Camps where again he was in contact with the natural world.

Albert moved to Portland and became an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Here he married Laurette Wheeler and together they reared three sons, Albert Richard, Jr., Charles Harlin and Robert Roland. Their first date reflected their interest in science for she took him on a tour of the museums and animal department of the University of Oregon Medical School upon which campus she was employed. During a portion of World War II Albert was in the service of the U.S. Army and was stationed at Camp Wolters, Texas.


After the war, prompted by the desire to rear their children outside of a city and their love of the ocean and marine zoology, Albert and Laurette moved to Netarts, Oregon. While living at the coast, Albert searched out the Astorian fossils up and down the coast.

While living at Netarts, Albert went into the employment service of the State of Oregon at Tillamook. The office was adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce. Learning through this office of Camp Hancock, he volunteered and served as counselor for three consecutive summers. It was through the contacts there he learned of and joined the Geological Society. He had served as President of the Tillamook Rock Hounds, the one local society that approached his interests.

Albert tells this story of the incident which kindled his interest in geology. With the advent of the Model T. Ford, touring became a vogue. His parents became addicted to this mode of recreation. They would bundle their four offspring into the Ford and away they would go. It happened at the Oregon Caves. As children were not permitted on the tours of the caves at that time, Albert's parents instructed him to take care of his brothers and sister while they made the tour. It was very evident that Albert was disgruntled. A lady noticed and as an effort to pacify a heart-broken boy, she directed his attention to fossils which were in a nearby bank. This kindled an interest that never waned.

As his predecessor, Leonard Delano, had instituted the practice of pursuing a theme for his term of office which was photogrammetry, Albert chose the Geophysical Provinces of Oregon.

President Kenney instituted the first President's Camp-out which was a week long caravan trip through the Steens Mountains. The banquet for 1964 was the first to be held at Portland State College, now Portland State University.

Historical note from Carol Hasenberg in 2024:

Albert Kenney married Rosemary Richartz in 1972 and the couple moved to Australia, where Rosemary worked as a dietician at the Royal Adelaide Hospital until 1979. Then she and Albert returned to Portland, where Albert died in the mid-1980’s. Rosemary Kenney then became GSOC President in 1989. Rosemary died in 2024 at the age of 97.

1964 President Irving Gilbert Ewen

Irving Gilbert Ewen was born on October 12, 1932, in Chicago, Illinois. Soon after, Portland became his home. He later attended Gregory Heights Grade School and received his high school diploma from Ulysses Simpson Grant High School in June 1950. Pursuing courses in geology and geography at Oregon State College where he was affiliated with Delta Sigma phi fraternity, Vanport College, Portland State Extension Center, and Portland State College he was graduated in June 1959. From June 1956 through June 1958, he served in the U.S. Army full time for two years. His experience included being stationed at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia for three months and working at the Army Map Service in Washington D. C. Appro­ximately one and one-half years were spent at Ft. Sam Houston (San Antonio) Texas with the Fourth Army Headquarters with a "Terrain Intelligence Detachment."


Irving became interested in geology at Portland Extension Center (fore-runner to PSU) when he took the first course taught there by Dr. Ruth Edwinna Hopson (affectionately referred to by her students as "Aunty Ruthy"). His interest in geology and his attendance at GSOC meetings was inspired by Dr. Hopson. The appetite for field work and an appreciation for the out-of-doors was whetted as a result of several field trips to Collier Glacier in the Three Sisters Wilderness area.

Credit for his continuing interest and inspiration in geology is due in great part to Ralph Stevenson Mason, State Mining Engineer with the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (known to many as "DOGAMI").

The frosting on the academic cake can be attributable to Dr. John Eliot Allen, Major Professor and Head of the Geology Department at Portland State College. A significant accomplishment of his senior year at Portland state was an extensive in-depth study of the land slide problems of the Wind Mountain Girl Scout Camp, east of Stevenson, Washington.

After attending several meetings of the Society at the Multnomah County Library, he became a member in 1954 and served the membership as Field Trip Chairman, Library Night Chairman, Banquet Chairman (two years), Editor of the Geological Newsletter (five years), and then was elected President in 1964, followed by two years as a director on the Executive Committee. The theme he chose for the year's lectures during his presidency was "Man and His Minerals." His President's Campout was held on Labor Day week-end, September 4-6, 1964, at the Bohemia Mining District, east of Cottage Grove. Twenty-six GSOC’ers attended. This area was chosen because of its historical interest, accessibility, and proximity to the Portland area. It was felt that visiting some of the famous mines of the area would help emphasize the importance of "Man and His Minerals."

The hobbies and other interests that greatly consume his time are hiking with the Mazamas and being a member of two rail­road enthusiast groups: Vernonia, South Park and Sunset Railroad and also the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society.

"Irv's" part time employment during college days was with the state of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, He spent one summer as field assistant to Andy Corcoran (During this time he became a charter member of the "Armstrong Drilling Company" on the Bauxite Project in the South Salem hills). He also gained experience during college with the Department in drafting geologic maps.

His full time employment since 1959 has been with the Multnomah County Planning Commission.

1965 President Frederick Earl Miller

Frederick Earl Miller was born in Chinook, Montana, on April 25, 1911. His father came from Patterson, New Jersey, and worked as a plumber and sheet metal man. His mother was born in Rochester, Indiana, and was a trained nurse. The family came to the West after World War I and young Frederick entered the fifth grade at the Brooklyn Grade School in Portland. After finishing Benson Polytechnic High School, he went to Oregon State University and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in 1936.


Frederick is a member of the Professional Engineers of Oregon and is a Registered Professional Engineer. He now is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. He has been affiliated with Toastmasters since 1956. He is a registered parliamentarian with the National Association of Parliamentarians and a certified parliamentarian with the American Institute of Parliamentarians. He became interested in duodecimals while in college and is a member of the Duodecimal Society of America.

Frederick and Lillian M. Passmore were married on May 22, 1937, in Portland. They have one son, Raymond T., born Dec. 13, 1939, who is married to Linda Singmaster. Their two children are Jaye Ann and Raymond Scott. Their daughter, Doris F. born March 26, 1944, is married to David Cruickshank. The Millers are members of the Trinity Baptist Church.

Since March 1941, Frederick has been employed as a Supervising engineer with the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company. In March 1969, he presented a paper to the Portland Section of the IEEE entitled "A Solution of Intermodulation Problems by Use of the Time Shared Computer."

His hobbies are many and varied. Since living as a small boy in Montana, He has collected rocks and minerals. He became interested in photography in high school. Electronics have fascinated him since the first grade and he now holds an Amateur Radio license with a call sign W7KJC. Various phases of chemistry also claim his attention.

In I960, Frederick learned about the Geological Society from Franklin Monroe Brown who was then president while they were attending a meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers. The fascination resulted with his taking a three term sequence course in geology at Portland State University from Ralph Mason. He has also attended the GSOC School courses. In 1963 he was elected a Director of the Society, vice-president in 1964, and president in 1965.

The theme of his presidency was "The Four Dimensions of Geology." He attributes his successful regime to the enthusiastic field trip leader, Lee Gavigan, and the excellent work done in the area of maps and trip logs by Paul Howell.

President Miller's camp-out at Delintment Lake was the third such venture for the society. It was held from June 19 through June 26, 1965, and nearly 100 members and friends attended the turnout. A humorous account of the many events by George Dahlin is published in the August 1965, Newsletter.

1966 President Lloyd Albert Wilcox

Lloyd Albert Wilcox was born in Grass Valley, Oregon, on September 22, 1915. He was the only son of Lloyd A. and Florence M. Wilcox who owned and operated a wheat ranch in that area.


Lloyd received his elementary education in Portland, Oregon; Sacramento, California; and Bend, Oregon. He was graduated from Bend High School in 1932 after which he attended Business College in Portland until 1936 when he had to give up school and look for work.

He went to work for the Southern Pacific Railroad until in 1942, labor trouble caused a change of jobs. He then started to work for the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway and after twenty-five years of travel through the Columbia Gorge and the Deschutes Canyon, he became curious as to how and why they originated. Norman Cooper, then a member, introduced us to the Geological Society in 1963. He joined immediately and has been learning ever since.

Lloyd married Reba F. Geer of Salem on February 11, 1939. Three children were born to them: Jerry, 1939; Melvin, 1941; and Karmin, 1944. At present there are five grandchildren.

Mr. Wilcox served the Society as President in 1966; was on the Executive Board in 1966, 1967, 1968; co-chairman of field trips for 1968; Master of Ceremonies for the 1968 banquet; and chairman of the Past President's Panel (P3) 1969 and 1970.

Mr. Wilcox continues to be employed in communications for the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway which has just merged (March 1970) with four other lines to form the Burlington Northern.

Lloyd states that he is intensely interested in people and natural science but is too indolent to pursue an active course of study in either subject.

Lloyd Wilcox led the 1966 President's Camp-out from the base camp at Todd Lake on Century Drive from August 13 to 19. There were 49 participants and 14 visitors and members who attended the camp-fire sessions, making 63 in all. For complete coverage see the Oct. 1966, Newsletter.

1967 President Ralph Stevenson Mason

Ralph Stevenson Mason (middle name after Robert Louis Stevenson, but not related) was born in Hood River, Oregon in 1912. His father was a civil engineer. Ralph grew up in Parkdale, Oregon and graduated from Parkdale High School. He attended the University of Oregon where he majored in journal­ism up into his senior year. At this time he became interested in geology and transferred to Oregon State College where he majored in geology and mining and obtained his BS degree in 1957.


A geode triggered Ralph's interest in geology. He found it in 1934 while exploring the canyon wall of the east fork of Hood River. Not knowing what the object was, he showed it to Dr. McKitrick in the geology department at the University of Oregon. The explanation so intrigued him that he enrolled in a basic course in geology taught by Dr. Warren D. Smith at the University of Oregon, and then went on to make this field his career.

Ralph married Dorothy Dill in 1938. They have a daughter, Michele, and a son, Bruce. Both children are married.

In 1943, Ralph joined the staff of the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, where he has been employed ever since. His position is that of Mining Engineer. In addition to this work, he has for a number of years been teaching evening courses in geology at Portland State University Extension Division. He has made innumerable appearances before groups and on TV to speak on geologic subjects.

At the present time, Ralph is a member of the following organizations; American Institute of Mining Engineers, Oregon Academy of Science, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and the Geological Society of the Oregon Country. He serves on the State Mapping Advisory Committee and the Governor's Committee on Synthetic Chemicals in the Environment.

His training in journalism has served Ralph well in the numerous publications on geology and mining that he has either authored or co-authored. For the Department he helped prepare bulletins on coal and ferruginous bauxite, wrote chapters on coal, iron, clay, and other nonmetallic minerals; for the recent bulletin on the mineral resources of Oregon.

He collaborated with. Ira A. Allison on a report on sodium salts in Lake County, with J.E. Allen on a brick and tile industry report, wrote a paper on the lightweight aggregate industry of the state, and prepared a key to the Oregon Mineral Deposits Map. For the Ore Bin, he has compiled annual summaries of the state's mineral Industry and has contributed articles on a wide range of subjects. His non-department publications include a USGS circular with M.I. Irwin on coal resources in Oregon; various articles on lightweight aggregates for industrial magazines; articles for the GSOC Newsletter; and reports on glacier studies for the Mazama magazine.

He has been the geology instructor at Camp Hancock for several sessions.

He led his President's Camp-out on July 22 to 50, 1968 from the Tilly Jane Forest Camp on the north side of Mt. Hood.

Mr. Mason's favorite hobby is woodworking in his basement workshop. He also likes to travel and take scenic geologic photographs. His wife, Dorothy, is the editor of the OMSI Pendulum.

1968 President Donald Duncan Barr

Donald Duncan Barr was born January 19, 1920, at St. Paul, Minnesota. John D. Barr, his father, was from Canada and his mother, Emily, was born in Wisconsin.


Mr. Barr attended the University of Minnesota and earned an Associate Arts degree in 1945. He further studied at the University of British Columbia during 1946 and 1947. He completed work for a B.S. degree in 1949 at Lewis and Clark College and a M.Ed, in 1951. His M.S. was accomplished at Oregon State University in 1970. In the academic years of 1962-63, he received a National Science foundation grant and was chosen to become a research intern for 1969 to 1971 also aided by a federal grant. Donald and Dorothy were married in 1948 and they have two children. Heather was born in 1952 and Alan in 1953.

Mr. Barr’s days, evenings, school year and summers are spent in related science fields of endeavor. By day from 1950 to 1970 he has been teaching biology in the Portland Public Schools. He has taught general science at the Portland Community College, and in the Portland evening high school, and natural history, 1967 - 1969, in the Beaverton Adult Education program. He is employed in the research department of the Portland Public schools, and is a National Science foundation writer on the secondary school science project. He is presently teaching and counseling at Jackson High School.

Being a Camp Leader is one of Mr. Barr's first loves. He was the Director of Camp Hancock in 1964, Camp Arago in 1965, and Damp Alpine in 1968. He led the OMSI Science Tours in 1965 and 1968.

Mr. Barr is affiliated with organizations pertaining to his varied interests. He is a member of the Wilderness Society, the Native Plant Society, the Audubon Society (National and Local), the Geological Society of the Oregon Country, the National Association of Biology Teachers, and the National Association of Geology Teachers. He is a member of St. Mark's Presbyterian Church. "Build It Yourself- Science Equipment" was the title of an article he wrote for the Portland Public Schools. He has also written for the Canadian Audubon Society Journal and the Western Conservation Journal.

The theme of the programs during his presidency was Historical Geology. His President's Camp-Out was held at Camp Arago at Coos Bay, Oregon. During his term of office the Society made the move to OMSI for the Meeting nights and maintains a permanent Library room. It was also the first year of the winter G.S.O.C. lectures open for public registrants. Mr. Barr is especially proud of the financial and permanent building structures that were contributed to Camp Hancock during 1967-1968.

Historical note from Carol Hasenberg:

I remember Don Barr, a very respected member of GSOC, from my early days in the society. I had a very interesting discussion with him about science and religion once during a GSOC event.

From the Oregonian archives, Don Barr’s obituary reads as follows:

Donald Duncan Barr 01/20/1920 to 09/11/2009 

Donald was born in St. Paul, Minn He was a science teacher for Portland Public Schools Donald is survived by his daughter, Heather Whitney; and son, Alan. 

1969 President Wallace Riley McClung

Wallace Riley McClung, the son of Donald R. and Olive D. McClung, was born in Portland, Oregon in 1920. His father was the utility executive for Pacific Power and Light Company. Both of his parents were outdoor enthusiasts, so at a very early age he acquired an affection and respect for nature.


He attended Rose City Grade School, Grant High School, Reed College, and the University of Oregon. While a youth he became active in Boy Scouts and attained the rank of Eagle Scout. During the two years at Reed his interests were in the field of Liberal Arts, but at the University he declared his major as Business Administration.

World War II broke out during his senior year, so he resigned from school and enlisted in the Air Force as a private. Shortly after enlisting in the Army Air Force he was accepted by the Officer Candidate School at Miami, Florida. Upon graduation he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. After four years active duty in Central and South America, he went on inactive duty status as a captain in the Air force Reserve.

After he returned from duty, the University of Oregon accepted his earned credits and granted him a Bachelor of Science degree in June 1942. In 1950 he married Sylvia Barendrick of McMinnville, and three children: Gregory, Stephen, and Jan were born.

In business activities he has followed the sales field, For many years he has specialized in the electrical advertising industry.

Wallace McClung's avocations continued along outdoor lines, which included angling, camping, and photography. It was in the pursuit of these activities in Central Oregon that he gradually became curious about land forms and their historical sequence. He contacted the Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral industries and inquired as to where information could be obtained. He was directed to the Geological Society of the Oregon Country. His interest and contribution to the Society has become outstanding in that since becoming a member in 1966, he has served on many committees, was vice president in 1969, and then became the thirty-fifth president.

He held the 7th President's Camp-out at the Ochoco Summit Forest Camp and many field trips were held in the Mitchell - John Day area with sometimes 75 people in attendance.

As a member of the executive committee and as Editor of the Newsletter for a second term, he continues to serve the Society.

1937 President Albert Dunbar Vance

Mr. Vance was born on April 11, 1883, in Decorah, Iowa, where he attended grammar and high school and made his home until 1906. His formal education was obtained at the University of Wisconsin, where he majored in Civil Engineering.


In 1906 he went to Big Horn Basin, Wyoming, on a government land survey contract, and in the fall of that year was appointed a United States Deputy Land Surveyor for Wyoming. With S. W. Brunt as a partner, the firm took contracts for the survey of twelve townships; contracts were completed in 1908.

During the winter of 1907 and through 1908, with the exception of that summer, Mr. Vance worked for the Reclamation Service on the Shoshone project, including work on the Shoshone dam surveys. When he resigned in 1910 to move to Portland, he was in charge of survey party on canal location and construction on the Ralston Unit of the Shoshone Project.

From November 1910 to January 1916 he worked for the City of Portland; from February 1916 to October 1916 he was employed as surveyor draftsman, field mapping a timber cruiser for the U.S. Forest Service. From November 1916 to October 1920 he worked at shipbuilding, starting with the Columbia Engineering Works on engineering for launching ways, and ending with the Coast Shipbuilding. He started with the latter firm as chief draftsman in June 1917 and when he completed his ship­building experience in 1920 he was Superintendent of Construction.

After a year each with the Portland Dock Commission and the Port of Portland, Mr. Vance returned to city service in 1923,  working through the positions of draftsman, senior engineer, assistant to City Engineer (1929 to 1939).  In June 1939 he was appointed Assistant to Commissioner of Public Works William A. Bowes, which position he still holds (1950).

On January 19, 1911, Mr. Vance was married to Florence Juliet Oviatt of Missouri Valley, Iowa, and Powell, Wyoming. They have two children - a daughter, now Mrs. William M. Hiney, Jr., of Los Angeles, Calif., and Albert D. Vance, Jr., of Portland, Oregon.

Mr. Vance is a member of the Presbyterian Church and a lifelong Republican in national politics.