1948 President Fay Wilmott Libbey
/Fay Wilmott Libbey was born in Macawhoc, Maine, on October 11, 1882, the son of Charles Otis and Josephine (Chadbourne) Libbey. He was educated in the public schools and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received his B.S. degree in 1906. In December 1913 he was married to Rose C. Kaiser of Portland, Oregon. They have one daughter, now Mrs. John Swanson.
1948 - FAY W. LIBBEY
Mr. Libbey began his engineering work as assayer of the Nipissing Mining Co. in Cobalt, Ontario; later was superintendent of the Vulture Mining Co. in Wlckenburg, Arizona; engaged in mine leasing in Arizona, and oil exploration in California. He was superintendent of the Pinto Valley Co. of Miami, Arizona; consulting engineer for the U.S. Engineers of Portland, Oregon; mining engineer for the State Department of Geology and Mining Industries, Portland, of which he has been director for the past six years (since July 1944). He was a first lieutenant with the U.S. Army Engineers in 1917.
Mr. Libbey is the author of the following: Dredging of Farmland in Oregon; Progress Report on Coos Bay Coal Field; Mineral Deposits in Region of Imnaha and Snake Rivers, Oregon, and co-author of Manganese in Oregon; Preliminary Report on High-Alumina Iron Ore in Washington County, Oregon; and Ferruginous Bauxite Deposits in Northwestern Oregon.
He is a member of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers; the Professional Engineers of Oregon; American Association of State Geologists.
In politics he is a Republican; in religion, an Episcopalian.