1946 President John Eliot Allen
/John Eliot Allen was born in Seattle, Wash., on August 12, 1908, the son of Eric W. (ex-dean of journalism at University of Oregon) and Sally Elliott Allen (writer and playwright). He was educated in the Eugene public schools, was graduated from the University of Oregon, where he received his B.A. degree in 1931, M.A. in 1932. In 1944 he received his Ph.D degree from the University of California. All degrees were conferred in his major field - Geology. In 1933 he was married to Margaret Moss of Portland; they have one daughter, Sallie Ann. She is married to Scott McNall and they have two children, Miles and Amy.
Dr. Allen's professional experience includes being: field geologist for the Rustless Iron and Steel Corporation, 1935 to 1938; chief geologist for the Oregon State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries 1938 to 1947; and senior Economic Geologist with the New Mexico Bureau of Mines for four years.
His teaching experience includes: Teaching Fellow at Oregon one year, at Berkeley three years. Taught geology for the Oregon Extension Division in Portland for two years, and for Statewide in eastern Oregon for two years. Was Associate Professor of Geology and Director of the Summer Camp at Pennsylvania State University, 1948-49; Professor and Head of the Department of Geology at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology for two years. He came to Portland State in 1956 and has at one time or another taught all of the courses required for graduation. Was SEATO Professor at the University of Peshawar, Pakistan, in 1963-64. He is Professor of Geology and Head of the Earth Science department at Portland State University and has had 19 years of teaching experience.(1970)
Dr. Allen has been or is a member of the following organizations: Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Theta Tau, Geological Society of the Oregon Country (President 1946), Geological Society of America, American Geological Institute, Society of Economic Geologists, American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, American Geophysical Union, American Institute of Professional Geologists, American Scientific Gem Association (regional vice president), Oregon Academy of Science, National Association of Geology Teachers (president 1967), and Northwest Scientific Association.
His bibliography of publications includes some forty listings, ranging from the highly technical to the very descriptive. Many have been used by GSOC members for source and trip background material.