April 11, 2015 

President Janet Rasmussen called the meeting to order at the home of Rosemary Kenney. Other board members in attendance constituting quorum were Bo Nonn, Dawn Juliano, Paul Edison-Lahm, Marty Muncie, Kirben Smoody, Sheila Alfsen, and John Piccinnini. Also in attendance were GSOC members Doug Rasmussen, Dave Olcott, and Carol Hasenberg. The minutes of the February 14th, 2014 board meeting were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report: Approved. Janet reminds us that as a non-profit our volunteer contributions of mileage for field trip planning are tax-deductible. 

Liability Insurance: Our insurance will expire on June 1st unless our agent finds an insurance company that will cover our field trips. Janet is following up with agent to get a new policy in place. 


Annual Banquet Recap Annual banquet resulted in $3,170.70 in ticket sales and $3,556.60 in expenses, for a loss of $290.90. Thanks to everyone who contributed time and energy - it was lots of work but rewarding and people were very happy with Dr. Atwater as speaker. Ernestro’s did a great job with the seating. 

Friday Night Lectures

GSOC donations have been received and reported from the Friday night meetings. Bo has scheduled Dr. Alex Ruzicka for May, Dr. Vic Baker for June, and Dr. Marly Miller and Dr. Nancy Price upcoming. 

Nancy Eriksson can arrange for larger room for lectures if given notice after the first of the month. Pizzicato also needs regular notice about our Friday night meetings. 

Sheila is looking into the possibility with the PSU Geology Department of having a seminar credit for PSU students who attend our Friday night lectures. 

Snack committee: Marty has snack volunteers scheduled for May and June, but will need someone for July and beyond. Also she needs someone to open the room for the June lecture. 

Field Trips

Portland Day Field Trip: Sheila will be coordinating the local Portland field trip that was designed by Ian Madin – perhaps in July. We will pre-run the trip using public transportation. Bo wrote paper on the MAX tunnel core and may be available to present for that segment of the trip. The Geological Newsletter -15- May/June 2015 

Salem Buildings Geology Tour: Sheila has taught a “Rocks on the Blocks” Salem field trip in the past and may want to plan it again for GSOC in 2016. 

Mt. Hood Field Trip: Bo needs dates from Larry so that he can schedule Dr. Andrew Fountain’s lecture. This trip is dependent on Dr. Fountain’s availability. 

Downtown Geology field trip: (Paul) Trip is planned for August 22nd. We did an initial pre-run on Wednesday and will do at least one more pre-run. We currently have enough guides. Cost will be $10 and pre-registration and payment will be online. This will also allow Janet to make up nametags ahead of time for $0.17 per nametag. 

President’s Field Trip to Steens Mountain: (Janet) 

Janet will pre-run again this trip again. So far 31 people have expressed interest. Janet got the BLM permit and we are not restricted by numbers. 

Annual Picnic will be August 2nd at Guy Talbot State Park near Latourell Falls. John has paid our fee to reserve our spot. The cost will be $58 for the picnic site, and a possible charge of $5 per vehicle. 

80th Birthday Activities 

Carol has been adding Past Presidents to the GSOC website and is looking for the most recent President’s book which is at large. Sheila, Bev, and Rosemary are collaborating to write articles about some of the Past Presidents for the website. 

Old and New Business

Student Liaison: Kirben Smoody has volunteered to fill this position for now. 

Business Cards: Anne has a draft of the business card. Sheila will follow up with her about getting these printed. 

Scanning Old Field Guides? Scanning old field guides was discussed, but there are concerns about copyright and out-of-date info. However future field trip content organized in blog format (such as Janet’s ongoing jmonthly blog) will be a good way to keep members involved who aren’t on the field trip. Geo-locating our photos may also be helpful. 

The next board meeting is 10:00 a.m., June 13th, 2015 at Rosemary Kenney’s house. 

Notes compiled from board meeting minutes submitted by GSOC Secretary Paul Edison-Lahm. 

Welcome New Members for 2015! 

More members have signed up this year! We wish you a warm welcome! 

James Bela
Cyndi Dion 

John Roberts
James Currier 
Zane Emry
Sara Wilson 
Richard Testut
Marilyn Rudin 
Woodruff ‘Woody’ English
Margaret Kiser