Board Meeting Notes

April 9th, 2016

President Bo Nonn called the meeting to order at the home of Rosemary Kenney. Other board members in attendance constituting quorum were Rik Smoody, Dawn Juliano, Paul Edison-Lahm, Kirben Smoody, Marty Muncie, and Larry Purchase, Janet Rasmussen, and Sheila Alfsen. Also in attendance were Rosemary, Carol Hasenberg, Dave Olcott, and Doug Rasmussen. The minutes of the February 13th, 2016 board meeting were approved. The Treasurer’s report was approved. 


Friday night lectures
Rik has scheduled Dr. Bill Orr in May to talk about lagerstätten. Dave notes that many people are still having a hard time hearing the speaker and he will research the feasibility and cost of obtaining a better portable audio speaker system. 
The board discussed plans for having a welcoming system for our new Meetup participants. Janet will make up a sign with the Meetup logo. Larry, Wes, Janet, Paul, Julia will act as ambassadors for these first-timers. 

Snack committee (Marty): people have been signing up; however we need a volunteer for July. 
Because of the Columbia River Gorge field trip in June, the June 10th Friday Lecture and June 11th Board Meeting are moved to July 8th and 9th respectively. 

Field Trips

Downtown Tour: Oregon Field Guide will be taping one of our tours in early May and taping another in-depth tour with Bill Orr. Paul is open to having multiple tours a year, but capping them at a smaller number. Larry, Sheila have volunteered to assist. The next downtown tour will be on June 25th. 

Eastern Gorge Trip, June 11-12th: Dave Olcott reports that planning is proceeding. The trip registration form will be put online. However payment will be by check only, not online. 

President’s Trip to SW Oregon: Bo Nonn reports that planning is proceeding for the trip to start on a weekday after Labor Day and end on the following Sunday (September 6-11). High and low activity segments of the trip will be planned. 

Eclipse Aug. 21st, 2017 field trip: Rik will be going on a scouting trip for places to view the eclipse and also researching places to stay. 

Johnson Creek/Crystal Springs: Bo, Sheila, Paul will be meeting to plan this (possibly bicycle) tour, perhaps for next year. 

GSOC Iceland trip: Sheila and Dave are researching this in the long term as a possible future trip. 

Community Outreach/PSU: AEG/CORIBA
Sheila’s presentation with Bill Orr at Pacific NW College of Art went well. Kirben will be keeping us informed about possible AEG field trip. 

Annual Banquet: In recapping the banquet the board felt that people were happy with the food and parking at the Monarch hotel. 

Annual Picnic: Dawn and Larry will continue researching sites. 


Election results
from the vote take at the March 13th banquet were read into the record: 

  • Bo (Ladislaus) Nonn – President
  • Rik Smoody – Vice-President
  • Dawn Juliano – Treasurer
  • Paul Edison-Lahm – Secretary
  • Marty Muncie – Director Year 1
  • Larry Purchase – Director Year 2
  • Kirben Smoody – Director Year 3

Storage of DOGAMI materials: Larry will continue to distribute at meetings. 

GSOC Brochure (Janet): brochure draft is done and will be printed soon.  

GSOC Business Cards (Paul): cards are printed and Paul has more if anyone needs them. 

Bylaws Committee: Our current practices have been getting increasingly out of step with our bylaws. Janet and Paul will review the bylaws for recommendations as to possible changes to either conform our practices and procedures, or make amendments to the bylaws. For members interested in learning more about board governance issues, Paul recommends workshops by Non-profit Association of Oregon. 

Next board meeting will be at Rosemary’s at 10:00 a.m., July 9th. 
Notes compiled from board meeting minutes submitted by GSOC Secretary Paul Edison-Lahm.