Board Meeting Notes, August 2nd, 2015
/President Janet Rasmussen called the meeting to order at the Guy Talbot State Park picnic shelter. Other board members in attendance were Dawn Juliano, Kirben Smoody, Marty Muncie, and John Piccinnini. Also in attendance were GSOC members Anne O’Neill and Dave Olcott. The minutes of the June 13, 2015, board meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report was reviewed by the board.
The board discussed increasing our donation to PSU and asking about getting a larger room for our lectures.
Friday Night Lectures: Marli Miller is coming in October. Marty Muncie has volunteers lined up for snacks at October and November meetings. She will pass around sign up soon for January meeting.
Field Trips
Mt. Hood Field Trip: Attending members said that the trip was great!
PDX Building Tour August 13th pre-run, August 22nd PDX tour, August 29 PDX geology tour pre-run and future events all deferred since no one present has been involved in the planning of these events.
President’s Field Trip to Steens Mountain: Janet discussed plans to improve logistics due to large number of participants. She will send out email to all registered persons in the next week or so.
80th Birthday topic: This was not addressed as none present have been involved.
Community Outreach, Rice Museum, Media Committee, were also not addressed for the same reason.
Student Liaison: Kirben said he will try connecting with other students again in the fall, when he’ll be attending PSU part-time. The board discussed posting announcements of our activities that the students will see. Kirben will work on this using the data & photos from the email announcements for upcoming speakers.
Picnic turnout was very good (25 people), and including several new members. Clay and Janet led a hike to Latourell Falls with an overview of the geology there. There was plenty of food available and the weather was very pleasant.
Dawn discovered a trove of old GSOC songs, many written by members using popular tunes to commemorate a field trip or to build camaraderie. Following the business meeting, which was unusually short, several members commenced to singing. Anne offered to choose and transcribe ten songs for the Steens Trip.
Offer from Courtyard Village in Raleigh Hills: We were enthusiastic about the possibility of having our holiday party at Courtyard Village. I included this info in my recent email to Sheila.
The next board meeting is 10:00 a.m., October 10, 2015. Location TBA.
Notes compiled from board meeting minutes submitted by GSOC President Janet Rasmussen.