GSOC Board Meeting Notes
/December 16, 2017
President Rik Smoody called the meeting to order at the home of Carol Hasenberg. Other board members in attendance constituting quorum were Dawn Julian o, Sheila Alfsen, Marty Muncie, Paul Edison-Lahm, Larry Purchase, and Janet Rasmussen. The minutes of the October 2017, board meeting were approved. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
Sheila has scheduled speakers for February and April. The January meeting will have the field trip slide shows that were originally going to be shown at the holiday party. Some ideas for speakers include (1) an annual speaker on Portland Metro area geology, (2) graduate student speakers, (3) an annual DOGAMI speaker on CSZ earthquake issues. Janet suggests that, prior to the lecture, we have a rotating display of PowerPoint slides describing club history, functions, and upcoming events; and she will provide some slides for this. Rik will research purchase options for an HD projector and email them to the board.
Greetings committee: a reminder that we should all be reaching out to new faces at Pizzicato and Friday night meetings.
Snack committee: Marty needs more people.
Portland Tours: Sheila and Paul will find a date for the next west-side Portland field trip, based loosely on their 2015 Portland Geology by Trimet tour. Paul’s Johnson Creek geology lecture may metamorphose eventually into an Eastside Portland field trip. Paul will also be setting dates for the two annual Downtown Building stone tours with Sheila and Cris Morgante.
Camp Hancock trip: Paul will investigate planning a field trip to Camp Hancock and the John Day Fossil Beds, coordinating with the Rose City Astronomers star party at Hancock.
The Snake River Plain and Albion Mountains: Dave reports via email that 13 folks have pre-registered.
A Eugene trip to the Condon fossil museum is still in the offing.
Annual Banquet: Rik confirms that Ellen Morris Bishop will be our banquet speaker. The board decided on the buffet option at Ernesto’s Italian restaurant.
Nominating Committee makes the following nominations for the 2018 slate: President: Paul; Vice-president: Sheila; Secretary: Carol; Treasurer: Dawn; Directors: Megan Scott; Julia Lanning; Larry Purchase.
Communications Report: Paul reports that paid Facebook boosts for two of our Friday lectures got good responses and recommends boosting Friday lectures in the future.
Bylaws Committee: Janet will send out proposed revisions.
Member Database Committee: Rik is working on the spreadsheet. Next board meeting will be at Marty’s on Feb. 10, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. — with extra time after reserved for the bylaws committee.
Notes compiled by Carol Hasenberg from Paul’s meeting minutes.