February Board Meeting Notes

February 12, 2017

President Bo Nonn called the meeting to order at the home of Rosemary Kenney. We thank Rosemary for having graciously hosting our board meetings since 2000. Board members present constituting quorum were Rik Smoody, Dawn Juliano, Paul Edison-Lahm, Marty Muncie, Larry Purchase, Janet Rasmussen, and Sheila Alfsen. Other members present included Carol Hasenberg, Dave Olcott, Jane Walpole, Peregrine Edison-Lahm, and Doug Rasmussen. The minutes from our December meeting were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report: (Dawn) The treasurer’s report was approved. 

Dawn reports that we currently have 63 paid members out of 150 potential members. The board agreed that more frequent announcements and more frequent email reminders are needed to encourage people to pay their memberships. The board delegated discussion of membership and dues issues to the Membership subcommittee. 

The board affirmed Dawn’s proposal that next year’s annual membership meeting for members be held immediately prior to the lecture open to the public. Paul will calendar this for February 2018. 


Holiday Party recap: The party at Carol’s house was again a success and she reports (based on a careful assessment of the leftovers) that there was enough food. The Hasenbergs would be happy to host again next year. 

Friday night lectures

Upcoming speakers: Sheila is working on possibilities for April and beyond. She will reestablish the connection with people in the PSU AV department who have been very helpful with microphone issues. 

Friday Night Parking: PSU parking structure access is available but requires payment through a kiosk. The signs have been confusing for some however. Janet will clarify parking procedures with PSU and we’ll put the information with our event announcement and in the newsletter: e.g. use Parking Structure #2 at the Broadway entrance across from Cramer Hall, using the “permit” and not the “reserved” spaces; go to parking kiosk to pay by entering your vehicle license number. 

Snack committee: Marty has volunteers for April and is looking for May volunteers and beyond. 

Public outreach: Sheila is getting many requests and recently spoke at a Camas elementary school. Bo volunteered to do his presentation on meteorites for elementary students. 

Annual Banquet: Paul will send out the email announcement shortly. 

Field Trips 

Downtown Tours: Paul has two Downtown Building Stone Tours planned for June 24th (South Tour) and October 7th (North Tour). Cris Morgante and Paul will be guiding — and any of our other past guides who are interested. Paul will update the tour guide creating a catalogue of the sites. 

Dinosaur Nat’l Monument: Janet invites other to join her and Doug for field trip to Dinosaur Nat’l Monument that is associated with the GSA meeting in Calgary, June 9-10. This is not a GSOC sponsored trip. 

Quarry Tour: Larry is choosing quarries for this tour, tentatively June 17. 

Eclipse/President’s Trip: We will be camping on private property in Mill City and exploring the Western Cascades, Friday to Monday (the eclipse is on August 21). Rik will reserve a Porta-potty asap. 

Johnson Creek Watershed Tour: Paul and Sheila are working on with Johnson Creek Watershed Council and Terry Tolan for a September tour and science pub. 

Mt. St. Helens Helicopter Tour: Sheila may plan this for August, however the helicopter site has been sold, so it’s up in the air. 

Old and New Business

Election Results: President Rik; Vice-President Sheila; Treasurer: Dawn; Secretary: Paul; 3 Year Director: Carol (Larry is 2 year director; Marty is 1 year director). 

Member Database Committee: (Paul/Janet/Rik/Peregrine): Peregrine will be assisting cleaning up the spreadsheet with Rik. The committee will be considering a cloud based, low-cost or free database solution, such as SalesForce. Our next meeting will be at 9:00 a.m. prior to the next board meeting. 

Communications Report: (Paul) this is tabled until the next board meeting when we can review our web use on a large screen. 

Bylaws Committee: Janet will email the committee’s proposals to the board. 

Next board meeting will be at Paul and Peregrine’s at 10:00 a.m., April 15. 

Notes compiled from board meeting minutes submitted by GSOC Secretary Paul Edison-Lahm.