Malheur Field Trip Sept 2022

Malheur Field Station GEOLOGY FIELD STUDY

Led by Michael Cummings


3 Night program.  Check in Sept 22 anytime, check out Sept 25 after breakfast.  Program, meals and lodging included in price of $550 per person.  Breakfast served at 7:30am, pack away lunch for the field, Dinner served at 6pm.  Lunch out in the field.  There are various bathroom stops along the way. 

Explore the geology of Harney County.  Learn about the Steens Mt. and geothermal activity in South Eastern Oregon desert.


Arrive:  Sept 22, 2022 Thursday.

Arrive anytime, unpack into E-Dorm.  Meet at Malcolm Hall in the AV room at 5pm

Evening session at the station

Dinner at 6pm in Dining Hall

Introduction to the geology of SE Oregon


Day 1:  Sept 23 Friday  NORTH OF BURNS ON HWY 395


Breakfast at 7:30 am in Dining Hall at MFS – depart for field trip to:

Accreted terrains and evolution of western margin of North American during the Mesozoic

Dinner Creek Welded Tuff (16million) and its local relation to older rocks (Silvies River valley)

Divine Canyon Welded Tuff (9.7 million) and the younger westward trend of rhyolites

Prater Creek Welded Tuff (8.0 million) and the newly discover caldera source west of Hines

Rattlesnake Welded Tuff (7.0 million) and characteristics of zones in welded tuffs

Dinner at 6pm in Dining Hall at MFS

Evening session:  Columbia River Basalt Group (CRGB) and its relation to rhyolite centers in Eastern Oregon.  Newly defined extent of the Picture Gorge Basalt, a member of the CRBG.



Breakfast served at 7:30am in Dining Hall at MFS – depart for field trip to:

Explosion structures in Steens Mountain Basalt flows near the crest of Steens Mountain

Steen Mountain front and active faults

Mickey Springs – silica sinter deposits formed between about 30,000 and 18,000 years ago

Hot spring ecosystems

Pluvial Lake Alvord and shoreline features

Borax Lake – construction of a biomorphic mound and silica sinter from hot spring activity

Dinner served at 6pm in Dining Hall at MFS

Evening session:  Brief wrap up of what we’ve seen


September 25 Sunday , Check out after breakfast end of program

For more information, contact

  Rose Garacci, Station Manager

The Great Basin Society, Inc., dba Malheur Field Station

34848 Sodhouse Lane

Princeton, OR   97721

